Thank you, thank you, thank you! It is undeniably crucial that more an more people can easily comprehend Abolition and that its intersecting roots and what it opposes today are clearly articulated and brought into our hearts and minds, and that the language we use to communicate the liberation that we are after becomes more and more inclusive and embodied. I know you are a somatic abolitionist based on every word of yours i’ve ever read or heard, and i’m so grateful and lucky to learn along side you and do everything i can to support this transformative worldview.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! It is undeniably crucial that more an more people can easily comprehend Abolition and that its intersecting roots and what it opposes today are clearly articulated and brought into our hearts and minds, and that the language we use to communicate the liberation that we are after becomes more and more inclusive and embodied. I know you are a somatic abolitionist based on every word of yours i’ve ever read or heard, and i’m so grateful and lucky to learn along side you and do everything i can to support this transformative worldview.